• What is 2D code verification?

    2D code verification checks the image quality of 2D codes such as DataMatrix and QR codes.

    Download the guide book to learn details of ISO/IEC 15415 and ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) QR code verification standards
  • What is ISO/IEC 15415 QR verification?

    ISO/IEC 15415 takes an intermediate value between the highest and lowest intensities in the symbol as the threshold value.

  • What is ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) QR verification?

    This code takes the intensity with the minimum total of dispersed intensities of black cells and white cells in the symbol as the threshold value.


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2D Code Verification Guidebook

2D Code Verification Guidebook
  • [File type]PDF:1.71MB

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