Company Culture
Company Culture
Culture and environment to reach your full potential

Key Sense is a shared mind-set, focusing on decisions that are best for the company as a whole through teamwork and collaboration.
This creates an information sharing culture without any barriers.
We pride ourselves on building a flat organization that eliminates hierarchical barriers to increase open communication. In making decisions, it is not important “who said” but rather “what was said”.
Every employee, including new hires, is free to express their ideas.

Our business decisions are based on market and economic principles, which means we think logically when making a decision.
This creates a stable and fair organization.
Our decision-making process is shared amongst all employees.
This allows us to assign tasks to new members, giving them a sense of responsibility and increased motivation.
It is important to ask ourselves “Why we are doing this?” and “What value does this produce?” and then take action proactively. We believe that it is essential to visualize the purpose clearly in order to maximize the output.

We are conscious about the added value of our actions and if they are not producing the value we expect, we will consider improving the current process or stop. This creates a continuous process to improve the efficiency of our business.