Adhesion of Dust Generated by Shot Blasting
Shot blasting is a method for removing burrs or drawing patterns on moulded parts by applying abrasive particles called "beads" against the workpiece. During the process, the workpiece acquires a significant electrostatic charge due to collisions.
The generated dust is also charged so it strongly adheres to the workpiece. Even when the dust is removed with an air blow, it adheres again due to the electrostatic charge.

Conventional countermeasures
Conductive spray
- It cannot prevent the adhesion of foreign particles completely.
- The surfaces of the workpieces look oily, which ruins the appearance.
Countermeasures with static eliminators (ionizers)
The problem can be solved quickly without the risk of the workpieces getting dirty.

Improvements and Effects
Words from the worksite
Reduced cost for addressing complaints and for spray
Cost of lot return: 2,000€ (assuming that a complaint arises once every three months). → 8,000€/year
Cost of spray: 100€/month x 12 months = 1,200€/year
The unsatisfactory appearance caused by the spray has been solved.